Around the Clock.
Around the Globe.
Your Shailah, Answered.
Because Every Shailah Deserves a
World-Class Psak

Other Speciality Divisions
Sephardic Halacha
Extension 2
Monetary Halacha/ Ribbis
Extension 3
Hashgacha Division
Extension 4
End-of-Life Division
Extension 5
Fertility Division
Extension 6
Tefillin & Mezuzos Division
Extension 7
General Shailos
Extension 1
Halachic answer
In all departments
Kav Halacha: The 24-Hour Halacha Network
Your Number to Call When:
Your Rav isn’t available
You don’t have a Rav to call
You require specialized halachic expertise
You need a psak immediately
Our Specialized Divisions
When you need to access a posek with specific halachic expertise
Tefillin and Mezuzos
General Shailos
End of life
Tefillin and Mezuzos
General Shailos
End of life
Sephardic Halacha
Monetary Halacha/ Ribbis
Other Speciality Divisions
- Eiruvin and Techumin
- Tum’as Kohanim
Sephardic Halacha
Monetary Halacha/ Ribbis
Other Speciality Divisions
- Eiruvin and Techumin
- Tum’as Kohanim
Our ever-expanding network of Rabbanim
are ready to answer your call!

Rabbinic Resources
Rabbinic Resources Network
Kav Halacha has developed an extensive network for Rabbonim,
to enable them to answer shailos and lead our kehillos accurately and efficiently.
Access to Leading Poskim
Access to Professionals
Conferences and Workshops
Resources for the Community
Educational Video Series
Webinars on Timely Halachos
Your Simple Steps to Getting Your
Shailah Answered:
Call the Kav Halacha
phone number for your locale.
Select the correct prompt
for your shailah.
Your call will be directed to a rav in your time zone.
Explain your question and receive a clear and practical answer
Average response time to a halachic shailah: Under 3 minutes
Hear what they have to say about Kav Halacha
Matis Zelman
Yehuda Josephson
Dr. Jonathan Links

you are
we are one
phone call away
Our Partnering Organizations